The results for Charlee's swallow study show her ability to swallow is gone, it is no loner safe for her to eat or drink by mouth. It showed she aspirates when she swallows. This breaks my heart! Food was one of the few joys left in her life, she loves to eat! They also have her hooked up for a constant EEG to monitor and figure out how to best control her increased seizures. They will be trying a few different seizure meds to see what works for her. Her G tube surgery is tomorrow at 3:30 pm. She is in a lot pain, crying a lot and very uncomfortable. Please pray she will be comforted in her time of need and that her surgery will be complication free. Thank you all! Much love, Catrina —
I'm praying her surgery goes well and that they can find a better way to control the seizures and treat the pain. You are in my prayers as well.